HOT TOPIC: Are Sororities too Expensive?

Every sorority, whether it be in North America or any other part of the globe, requires their members to pay while they are undergraduates. They can range in astronomically different ways - some campuses even require you to PAY to go through recruitment. This kind of requirement restricts a lot of people from joining our communities, and at the University of Alberta, we strive to reduce this barrier as much as possible.

But talk is cheap, and you’re here to know the truth. Find out how we at the UofA make sure our dues are affordable as possible, and WORTH the cost!

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HOT TOPIC: Nerves During Recruitment - Is it a bad thing?

I was talking with a friend in passing who was interested about signing up for recruitment and potentially joining a sorority. It was a standard conversation; I told her about all the amazing ways sororities changed my life, and she in turn spoke about any swirling questions on her mind. But one thing caught my attention:

Will anyone even like me?

This, is the reason I’m writing this today.

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